Saturday, July 16, 2005

Personal Comment—Mother Daughter Wisdom

With my mother ill with cancer, I'm contemplating my own relationship with my mother and in turn with my two daughters and how all of this connects up to health. A good friend of mine sent this article to me that is quite illuminating on the power of our most intimate relationships and how together with our minds and bodies, have implications for our personal health and well being. Amazingly, at the exact moment of this writing, John Mayer's hit song, "Daughters," played on the radio. Dr. Northrup (see below) is onto something. -Angela

Understanding the Feminine Legacy of Good Health
an interview with Christiane Northrup, M.D.

As women encounter various life stages, we are called upon to create ourselves anew. But unknown territory is scary. We naturally seek the guidance and support of someone who’s been there before. Someone who knows us well and can show the way. If she’s standing firm in her own wisdom and power, it’s our mother who becomes our North Star, a beacon of strength and practical counsel…
Dr. Christiane Northrup, America’s leading voice empowering women to become active participants in their own physical, mental and emotional development, now shares poignant insights as to how mothers can help daughters grow up and move forward with confidence. And how both can learn to live a joyous, creative and full life on their own terms.
As a practicing obstetrician/gynecologist and the mother of two grown daughters, Dr. Northrup has come to understand that the mother-daughter relationship “has more clout biologically, emotionally and psychologically than any other relationship in a woman’s life.”
Through more than two decades of hands-on healthcare treating thousands of women, Northrup has noted that if a woman’s relationship with her mother is supportive and healthy, and if her mother has given

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