Friday, November 08, 2019

Time Sensitive: Public Hearing Signup TODAY and Monday for SBOE Hearing on African American Studies

Let's make history next Wednesday!  
***Please consider signing up to testify.***

The Texas State Board of Education will begin the process of reviewing an African American Studies course to be added to the Texas Social Studies catalog, which will make the course available to districts state-wide. The SBOE needs to know there is widespread support for the course.  

You may sign up here for Item 2 before the whole board:

Typically, you only get 2 minutes to speak and it extends longer in the event that you get asked a question by the board.

The sign-up period starts TODAY—Friday, Nov. 8 — and goes until Monday, Nov. 11 at 5pm. The actual hearing will be held on Nov. 13 starting at 9 am.  

There's significant construction around the area so you may want to arrive extra early to find your way around and to the Travis building.  You can park on the street or in the Blanton Museum Garage for a fee.  Here's the address: 1701 North Congress Ave., Austin, Tx 78701

If you cannot attend, you can sign onto the following letter:

AAS "Dear Texas" Sign-On Letter
I just signed up.

-Angela Valenzuela

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