Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Dr. Michael Osterholm is saying that we're going to be overrun by Omicron in about two weeks.

Today's news on Covid and the Omicron give you that sinking feeling. University of of Minnesota Dr. Michael Osterholm is saying that we're going to be overrun by Omicron in about two weeks. He urges everybody to get vaccinated and use high-quality masks.  

Note: These are either N95 or KN95 masks. Cloth masks that many of us have been wearing an not sufficient for fighting the virus. 

Relatedly, also read Dr. Osterholm's Washington Post piece titled, Opinion: The omicron surge could be the worst public health challenge of our lifetimes.

One medical doctor in New Orleans documents "acute COVID affection" in otherwise healthy children—some 2 years of age and under—such that it's not appropriately characterized as benign. 

Children ages 5 and older need to get the vaccine, as well as be surrounded by vaccinated adults. Most children will recover though approximately 1,000 children nationwide have died of COVID.

In Austin, we have just entered Stage Four COVID-19 risk-levels. I know we're all fatigued as this state of uncertainty seems endless, but what else can we do other than to help each other out and stay safe as best we can? 

-Angela Valenzuela

Dec. 29, 2021

Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota,  
joined Chris Jansing to discuss the rise in coronavirus cases around the country fueled by the omicron variant. He says Covid testing is a "huge issue" and warns "that we're going to see a major overrun of omicron."

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