Sunday, November 20, 2022

Question: What is our community's response to all this "anti-CRT" hating and backlash? Answer: Ethnic Studies for Texas Schools!


This is one of the better, in-depth pieces on Critical Race Theory I just came across written by Isabella Zou for the Texas Tribune back in June 22, 2021. 

Question: What is our community's response to all this anti-CRT hating and backlash?

Answer: A positive legislative agenda for Ethnic Studies for the State of Texas!

I am pleased to say that this past week, Representative Christina Morales, joined by Sen. Carol Alvarado, Rep. Gene Wu and Ethnic Studies leader, Tony Diaz held a press conference last Monday that you can view here on the filing of House Bill 45, renewing the effort to pass Ethnic Studies in the upcoming 88th Session of the Texas State Legislature. Glad to see that LULAC in Houston sponsored this event.

Dr. Valerie Martinez and I got a chance to speak virtually at the press conference, too. You can check out what we say 
here, as well. Too much fun! 

As expressed by Rep. Gene Wu, it's time for all of us who helped build this country to get recognized and featured in our state's public school curriculum. The potential of legislation, meaning "having a bill," is that should it become law, it becomes a priority of the Texas State Board of Education to formally approve, countering the current delay of aligning Native American and Asian American Studies for getting aligned to state standards. Note: African American Studies and Mexican American Studies are already aligned and getting taught in Texas schools as elective courses.

The difference between this bill and what's already in state SBOE code is that it establishes a pathway to a high school diploma that is inclusive of Ethnic Studies courses.

Some folks say that this is about fostering division. That's not a sustainable view when I see nothing but unity across so many groups and communities coming out of this ongoing effort. In fact, outside of this movement, I have not seen or experienced so much interracial or interethnic unity together with white allies in Texas. This is positive, hopeful, and super exciting!

I will be saying more about HB 45 in the coming weeks and months. 

Building on the legislative achievements of this legislation (HB 1504) from last session, our Ethnic Studies Coalition is not at all deterred considering that House Bill 45 is in able hands with Rep. Morales and her enthusiastically supportive colleagues.

-Angela Valenzuela


What is critical race theory? Explaining the discipline that Texas’ governor wants to “abolish”

Those who study the discipline say attacks on it are targeting any teachings that challenge and complicate dominant narratives about the country’s history and identity.

Teacher Melissa Perry reads to her fifth grade class at Jacob’s Well Elementary School in Wimberley on

Credit: Tribune

What is critical race theory?

Is critical race theory being taught in K-12 classrooms?

How does Texas' new law and surrounding debate discuss critical race theory?

Future impact

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