Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Sinking to the Bottom: As summer temperatures rise, so do the GOP’s dehumanizing policies and rhetoric, by Melissa Del Bosque

Oh, dear God. This piece made me shudder. So macabre.

I can't get the margins of this piece to work. However, it's just too important not to share. We should all be horrified by what Gov. Abbott and his team are devising to supposedly "deter" migrants from getting into the U.S. It's not like we haven't already had an array of deterrence policies and mechanisms. Melissa Del Bosque is right in saying that the floating buoy barriers are only going to mean more deaths of migrants this summer. South Texas is already a massive graveyard. Del Bosque's gripping quote should cause us some consternation:
"As Todd recently wrote in his poignant piece about this deadly strategy, 'On the cusp of summer, we can predict like clockwork that hundreds of otherwise healthy people will be dead by summer’s end. It has an aura of premeditated murder.'"
The outcome is predictable. And I agree with Del Bosque that these floating buoy barriers are totally fascist and grossly inhumane. Glad that she calls out the harmful effects of the right-wing misinformation campaign that makes people feel that we are being invaded when we're not. 

In the meantime, mainstream media parrots the "crisis narrative," when the reality is that we've always taken in migrants from many countries that seek nothing more than to work and make a better life. Yes, many of them are desperate, but they're human beings, no less, doing what any of us would do were we equally desperate. And now, many will senselessly lose their lives by Summer's end. 

Will the media then cover this foreseeable socially engineered human tragedy? I fear not. That would shift the narrative away from the crisis narrative that is intended to stoke fear. 

Human rights organizations must absolutely get involved.

-Angela Valenzuela

Sinking to the Bottom

As summer temperatures rise, so do the GOP’s dehumanizing policies and rhetoric

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