Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Testimonies and Excerpts of DEI March and Press Conference from yesterday, May 14, 2024 at the Texas State Capitol in Austin Texas

I encourage all to listen to yesterday's May, 14, 2024 hearing that took place at the Texas State Capitol in the Texas Senate. For the record, out of 214 that submitted their registration requests, 148 witnesses testified. 

At the end of the day after the testimonies were completed, Sen. Royce West acknowledged that those who spoke overwhelmingly expressed opposition to SB 17 and violations of freedom of speech to which Sen. Brandon Creighton literally had nothing to say in response. This is who is leading our state...

Specific to the layoffs within the University of Texas System, Chancellor Milliken shared that 311 full- and part-time positions were eliminated, translating into $25 million that became available to the system, upon closing 21 offices and terminating  "681 contracts, programs and trainings." 

At a noon-hour press conference involving various organizations, including NAACP, AAUP, and LULAC where I and others spoke, I referred to DEI and other harmful legislation as a "scorched earth" agenda. 

As an aside, these are not my words, but RNC co-chair, Lara Trump, as you can see and hear for yourselves: "Lara Trump Threatens ‘Four Years of Scorched Earth’ If Trump Retakes Power: Sounds like a fun time for America."

I post below the following:

1) news coverage by Austin American-Statesman journalists, Sara Diggins and Lily Kepner;

2) an 8-minute press conference video by Rene Renteria;

3) a CBS Austin press conference video;

4) the testimony I delivered; and 

5) testimony delivered by Cameron Samuels, a dear friend and amazing Gen Z youth leader who heads up Students Engaged in Advancing Texas (SEAT).

If you listen to the video, you'll notice just how tough yesterday was. However, as I posted this morning on Facebook:
"Love our students and young people whose testimonies were so powerful and soulful. Bill author Andrew Creighton and his party are unmovable. However, it must dawn on them every now and then the eloquence and unmatched force of our Gen Z youth that would give anyone with a heartbeat some pause."

Keep at it, Gen Z! You are a force to reckon with.

-Angela Valenzuela


Diggins, S. (2024, May 14 ). Texas Senate Education committee discusses protests at UT, SB 17, Austin American-Statesman.

Video Credit: Rene Renteria

Video Credit: CBS Austin


Angela Valenzuela, Ph.D.

Regarding the Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education—SB 17 Testimony

May 14, 2024

Good afternoon, my name is Angela Valenzuela and I am a concerned member of the University of Texas faculty but speak as a private citizen.

I am here today because I am deeply disturbed by the animus of policymakers against our Gen Z youth in the form of unceasing policy campaigns against them. 

UT Gen Z Student, Lacey Reynolds

By "Gen Z", I mean students roughly between the ages of 12 and 27. These are our college students, as well as children in middle and high school. This is the most diverse age-generational cohort in the history of our country. These are our students. Gen Alpha, my grandchildren, will be even more diverse.

These hurtful campaigns get manifest passive-aggressively in the form of withholding school funding and turning “everything education” into a market. This gets manifest assertively and aggressively by attacking our youth in the form of physical and psychological violence (as we’ve witnessed in recent days), as well as in the form of book bans, abortion bans, and the banning of programs and people that are disturbingly and incorrectly characterized as a threat. 

This is so disrespectful. The 60 or so people who were terminated at UT are a part of our Central Texas community. We cross each other at the grocery store, local events, and public gatherings. Such mischaracterizations of these staff—and our faculty—is best understood as an attack on our Gen Z youth.

We we are witnessing a workshopped and strategically planned political strategy intended to make Gen Z small, docile, and unthreatening. We must repeal SB 17.

This is an offensive policy agenda. Thank you for listening. 


Cameron Samuel's Testimony

Testimony to the Texas Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

for a hearing on Senate Bill 17, Antisemitism, and Campus Free Speech

"Monitor the Ban on Discriminatory DEI Policies"

May 14, 2024

Cameron J. Samuels

Antisemitism exists. I would know because I faced it as a Jewish student. Classmates denied the Holocaust, my school administration challenged and restricted access to Holocaust books, and I was sprayed in the face with cologne because someone thought it was a good idea to “gas the Jew.” These acts of ignorance, bigotry, and violence were intimidating and harmful to my learning and well-being. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed, but never in my life would I have told you that banning DEI is a solution.

DEI is not discriminatory but a solution to all forms of discrimination. Texas is exceptionally diverse, and our diversity makes us great. Sen. Creighton, your Senate Bill 17 has wreaked havoc on students. It has caused exceptionally more harm than it will ever give you pleasure and comfort with your White privilege.

If we are to address antisemitism and all forms of hate, we must repeal SB 17 and implement robust measures to prevent discrimination and bigotry throughout Texas. If we are to safeguard free speech, we must not conflate antisemitism with international politics. Instead of banning DEI and arresting students exercising free speech, which has been an immense overreach of state authority, let’s give students what they deserve.

I'm Cameron Samuels, demanding a SEAT at the Table with Students Engaged in Advancing Texas. My pronouns are they/them. Let’s invest in DEI and divest from war.

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