Saturday, August 03, 2024

Police in Texas Try to Arrest Librarian for Civil Rights Book: Update on the Granbury ISD Saga over Backward Banned Books Agenda


You can't make this stuff up. Yes, this is exceedingly alarming. Thankfully, the Granbury district attorney threw out this case as he found the investigation to be without merit.

The best source for this saga is this NBCNews story authored on July 25, 2024, by Mike Hixenbaugh, Tyler Kingkade, Scott Friedman, and Eva Parks titled, "Inside the two-year fight to bring charges against school librarians in Granbury, Texas." Spanning a two-year time period, this appears to be the most extensive investigation against librarians, nationally, who were ultimately not charged of any crimes. Here is where we can appreciate the importance of legal cases like these as they establish precedents that can be taken up later by attorneys in future cases, should they be necessary—and we certainly hope this kind of prosecutorial animus against librarians does not continue.

Many states, including Missouri, Arkansas, and Indiana, are currently considering legislation "to make it easier to prosecute librarians." (Hixenbaugh, Kingkade, Friedman, & Parks, 2024, July 25).

When we speak of authoritarian regimes and fascism, this is one big way that it manifests, by controlling what we read, and thusly controlling what we teach and think. Most generally, fascist authoritarian regimes are the antithesis of democracy.

This is the kind of America Trump and his friends want. I really encourage folks to read Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership, the Conservative Promise  to get a complete sense of what their dystopian nightmare for America means. Not for the Billionaire class, of course, but for everybody else.

The best way to say "no to fascism" is to register to vote and then vote. Get your friends and family out to vote, too.

Glad this ordeal is over for these librarians who did not deserve this.

-Angela Valenzuela

#Project2025 #vote2024 #SayNoToFascism #Fascism

Shocking: Texas Librarian Faces Arrest for Checking Out Toni Morrison Book

Eric Ryan July 28, 2024 | KEAN 105.1

Read More: Police in Texas Try to Arrest Librarian for Civil Rights Book |

It really has to suck some days to be a cop.

Imagine showing up for your shift one day, ready to arrest murderers and pedophiles, and your superior officer informs you that your assignment for the day is to go investigate and arrest a librarian for loaning out a book about civil rights.

Fight for Civil Rights and Understanding

It all started when the librarian, checked out a book by the esteemed civil rights icon and author, Toni Morrison. Morrison, a Nobel Prize-winning author, is celebrated for her profound contributions to literature and her powerful exploration of African American history and identity. Her books have long been a cornerstone in the fight for civil rights and understanding.

Lack of Evidence

The police officer attempted to interview the librarians, but they refused to talk without an attorney present. After two years and an 824-page investigative file, the district attorney decided not to press charges. citing lack of evidence. What an awesome use of our tax dollars, right?

Read More: Police in Texas Try to Arrest Librarian for Civil Rights Book |

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