
Friday, October 30, 2020

Texas isn't a red state. It's an oppressed state. And Proof by Steve Hofstetter that Greg Abbott is Sabotaging Democracy

I'll have to update the meme to encourage folks to vote in 2022. In the meantime, I encourage all to scroll down and view this 2021 Youtube video by Steve Hofstetter below that proves that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is sabotaging democracy.

Some of the more helpful advice and information that will help you is put out by the League of Women Voters. You can also follow them on Twitter @LWVTexas

Laura Yeager is my favorite Texas Mom and dear friend mobilizing Texans around the vote. You can follow her on Twitter at: @LoloSube

Additional good resources going forward are Texas Educators Vote that you can follow on Twitter at: @TxEdVote, @TeachTheVote, and Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP) @SuVotoEsSuVoz. The election takes place on November 8, 2022.

BallotPedia is also a helpful resource for knowing who is running for office
in the next election, including Beto O'Rourke who is challenging Greg
Abbott for governor.

Have your voice heard with your vote. Su voto es su voz!

Let's get this homophobic, misogynistic, gun-loving, self-serving republican
party out of power this November!

-Angela Valenzuela

#TxEd #TxLege #Vote #Vote2022 #VoteBlue2022 #EndGunViolenceNow


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