I close with a brief success story that further proves the wisdom of the UN report as relates to transformations that align with Indigenous knowledges and worldview. In April of this year Misak educator Gerardo Tununbalá, co-founder of Misak University in Colombia, presented before a group of Navajo students striving to obtain doctoral degrees from Fielding Graduate University. The students want to use the degree to walk in both worlds in ways that can help maintain and nurture their at-risk traditional lifeways and language. Having all but lost their traditional knowledge and language, the 11,000 members of the Misak nation began decolonizing their education systems in the early 1980s. Today most of them now speak their mother tongue and practice their traditional ways of being. Not only are the people happier and healthier, but their local husbandry and ecosystems have been significantly enhanced as a result.

We may not be able to learn the original place-based languages of those on whose land we dwell. Nor will we easily learn their ancient knowledge of the landscapes. We can, however, while doing our best to stop continuing genocide and culturecide of Indigenous peoples and support their goals for sovereignty, reclaim our shared worldview that guided us for most of human history. We can learn to live with just enough modern technical and structural conveniences while creating systems of egalitarianism and sustainable living based on both Western and Indigenous science. With new intentionality, spiritual awareness, trance-based learning, community support and courageous truth-seeking, we might be able to do this before it is too late. Inspired by the vital message hidden in the sobering UN report that the way to live on this planet “differently” involves a new partnership with our original Indigenous worldview and those that still fully understand it, we can have hope for future generations. Of course, concern for future generations may depend on which worldview precepts we choose as well.