7th Annual Texas Higher Education Symposium

Happening next week. Among the issues to get addressed are the Fisher decision and campus carry. Jacob Fraire, President and CEO of the Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC) is delivering a keynote.
August 4, 2016 - August 5, 2016
The University of Texas at Austin
Contact Info
Location: The Student Activity Center at The University of Texas at Austin
Theme: Addressing Inequity through Policy and Praxis
Featured Speaker: Jacob Fraire, President and CEO of the Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC)
Registration: Register for the symposium here.
Final Program: Download the full program here.
The 7th Annual Texas Higher Education Symposium will take place
August 4-5, 2016, at the University of Texas at Austin. The symposium,
sponsored by seven Texas universities (UT-Austin, UTSA, TTU, UNT, SMU,
Baylor, and UH), brings together higher education researchers,
practitioners, grant funders, and policy-makers to discuss innovative
research, policy, and practice focused on this year's theme, "Addressing
Inequity through Policy and Praxis." Symposium participants will engage
in collaborative roundtables, concurrent sessions disseminating
research and practice, as well as panel discussions on campus carry, the
Fisher case, and Texas educational policy and research. The symposium
is a multi-institutional effort designed to address educational inequity
from the perspective of high-quality research to inform practice and
policy, nurture the next generation of scholars focused on Texas higher
education, and create a space of creative collaboration among higher
education stakeholders.
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