Dr. Tony Baez won his race this evening to serve as Board Member for Milwaukee Public Schools! I have blogged about this previously. Given all that Tony has done in and with his community for so many years, it would have shocked me had the outcome been otherwise.
Here's the message he put out to his friends and supporters of which I am one:
Dear friends,
I cannot express how truly thankful I am for all of the support and hard work from everyone who helped to make this happen. We did this together, and because of you we won with 68% of the vote.
It is truly one of my greatest honors knowing I will now be serving the people of Milwaukee as a member of the MPS board.
Now Tony heads our way to Austin, Texas, to not only rest, but to also enjoy a few days with us here as we finish up our Academia Cuauhtli school year. Tony is our guest speaker and singer. He's bringing his guitar and so we're in for some serious singing and celebrating over the next few days. Consider joining us on Friday for an evening of poetry and song en español.I tried my best to thank all those who were most helpful during our election party. But if I miss anyone, please forgive me... it was a long week, and surely a long day. I know well, however, who was always supporting our efforts, and I am very, very appreciative, as most of you know.
Mis respetos y abrazos más calurosos a los que ayudaron en esta campaña. Ha sido un trayecto dónde aprendí mucho sobre individuos, y sobre los asuntos que tendré que enfrentar cuándo entre a la Junta Directriz de MPS. Ya saben que siempre estaré accesible y listo para escuchar, y seré una voz fuerte y activa en MPS para nuestros estudiantes, los docentes y las escuelas públicas, y para el bilinguismo!!!
Again, my sincere and "caluroso abrazo" and appreciation for all of the wonderful work that has made this WIN possible! This was an amazing campaign for public education! We will stay in touch and in the struggle, together!
Angela Valenzuela
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