
Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Georgia way of life Series -"The birth of Stone mountain" - part 1

Excellent, brief history in this 11:21-minute video on the birth of the KKK.  It actually fronts an entire excellent series titled, "The Georgia Way of Life," that follows this on Youtube looks at the deep history of institutionalized racial prejudice and discrimination.  I'm teaching a Foundations in Education Policy class this semester and so I'm really focused right now on origins.

Finding clear expression in strategy, here's the historic appeal of the Klan.  They appealed to a broad spectrum of whites by widening their hatred beyond African Americans, to include Jews, Catholics, and immigrants (today, it's Mexicans, too, despite their decisive contributions to the re-building of Georgia in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew, as well as their central role in the building of the Olympic Park in anticipation of the 1996 Olympic Games).  

As we all know, they also appealed (and appeal) to sacred symbols of Christianity and the American flag while exploiting the public's fears against "the other."

The Klan was born on June, 1866 in Pulaski, TN.  All should consider the implications today of this deep history.

-Angela c/s

The Georgia way of life -The birth of Stone mountain- part1

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