Please view this video and consider signing the following petition:Texas Parents and Educators Demand a Social Studies TEKS First Reading by the SBOE

The State Board of Education on August 30, 2022, under pressure from extremists conservative organizations such as Patriot Mobile and the Texas House of Representatives Freedom Caucus and their supporters delayed voting to have a first reading of SB3 aligned Social Studies TEKS. These organizations and supporters represent a fringe group that is out of step with the rest of Texas educators and parents.
We the undersigned demand the SBOE reverse itself and vote to have a first reading of the proposed TEKS that follows the legal requirements of SB3 and is inclusive of all Texans. After a first reading various stakeholders can then propose changes to specific standards in a civil democratic manner. The delay of the first reading is an act of censorship.
For further information concerning the SBOE delay see this article:
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