
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"A Century of Eugenics on our Borders" symposium on May 28, 2024


Sharing with you this opportunity to listen to all the recordings from this powerful, recent symposium titled, "A Century of Eugenics on our Borders" held on May 28, 2024 You may find ample resources at their website, too, that I encourage you to explore. Below are all the links that were shared with me and that I encourage you to share with your networks, as well.

-Angela Valenzuela

"A Century of Eugenics on our Borders" symposium on May 28, 2024.


See the discussions from the event: 

Note: Original email from Benedict IpgraveProgramme Director of From Small Beginnings...


Recordings of the symposium (click on panel title to go to recording): 

Keynote: Connecting the Dots to Build a More Just and Equitable Future for All

Participant: Marielena Hincapie

Chair: Helen Knowler


Eugenic histories and presents in immigration and the Johnson-Reed Act

Participants: Michell Chresfield, Edward Larson, Lauren Braun-Strumfels and Janet Ward

Chair: Daniel Meister


Immigration and Eugenic Ableism

Participants: Jay Dolmage and Karen Soldatic


Eugenics, Indigenous Displacement and Migration: Indian Citizenship Act

Participants: Nicole Burns, Kerri J. Malloy and Sandra Sanchez

Chair: Judy Dow


Population Bomb, The Great Replacement Theory and Pronatalism

Participants: Rajani Bhatia, Marcy Darnovsky, Anne Hendrixson and Emily Merchant

Chair: Lisa Ikemoto


Eugenics and Immigration across Latin America

Participants: Carlos Gigoux, Cristina Gomes and Patricia Martuscelli

Chair: Pietra Diwan


Immigration, Anti-Eugenics and the Arts

Participants: Hannah Entwisle, Liz Hingley, Richard Lou, Francesco Mazzarella and Neelam Raina

Chair: Lucia Cuba

Title 42 and Eugenics on the Mexico / US Border

Participants: Geoff Boyce, Miroslava Chavez-Garcia and Carlos Martinez

Chair: Alvaro Huerta

Key Takeaways and Final Thoughts

Participants: Lucia Cuba, Pietra Diwan, Marielena Hincapie, Alvaro Huerta, Lisa Ikemoto and Daniel Meister

Chair: Lucia Cuba

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